G o h i n a

Gas and pipes

Gas and pipes

Camping gas and pipes:
Gas types:

  • Propane: The most common gas for camping, it is cheap and easy to use.
  • Butane: A lightweight gas that is effective in cold weather, but it is more expensive than propane.
  • Propane and butane combination: combines the advantages of both gases.

    Pipe types:
  • Refillable propane tubes: An environmentally friendly option that saves money in the long run, but it can be difficult to find places to refill them.
  • Single-use propane tubes: Lightweight and portable, but they are not refillable and should be disposed of after use.
  • Butane Tubes: They come in different sizes to suit your needs.

  • Choose the right type of gas for your needs: Consider the weather and the type of activities you will be doing.
  • Choose the right tube size: Make sure you have enough gas for your trip.
  • Make sure the tube is safe: Make sure there are no leaks or damage to the tube.
  • Store the tube properly: keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Be aware of gas hazards: Learn how to handle gas safely and avoid fires.